

Bunions also known as hallux abducto valgus (HAV), refers to the bony bump which is formed on the inside of the great toe. Over a period of time the first metatarsal and first phalanx (great toe) become misaligned as the big toe moves towards the second toe. Consequently the joint between these two structures, the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint becomes inflamed and enlarged. 

As this condition progresses through the different stages and the deviation becomes greater, patients report an increase in pain. This is often due to the bursa becoming inflamed which restricts movement in the joint.

Arthritis is also closely linked with more developed bunions.


Footwear- narrow fitting or high heels.

Genetics- You are more prone to developing a bunion if there is a history of bunions in the family. 

Foot profile- Flat feet (pes planus) foot types changes your biomechanics.

Activity - Ballet dances, repetitive trauma to the joint capsule. 

Pregnancy- Joint laxity with the increased weight. 

There are normally an array of causes which influence the development of a Bunion.


Early intervention is very important to reduce and mitigate issues later in life. Conservative treatment is always recommended, aiming to treat the external factors. Treatment may consist of appropriate footwear recommendations, prescription of foot specific exercises, custom foot orthotics to help redistribute plantar pressure, interdigital toe separators or potentially a night splint. In rare cases cortisone injections may be recommended.

Come visit The Feet Team for some friendly advice,

it is never too early & never too late to start treatment.