Diabetes Assessment

Yearly there are over 10,000 hospital admissions in Australia for diabetes related foot ulcers (Diabetes Australia). Many of these end with people having a limb, or part of a limb, amputated.

Diabetes affects the body's ability to convert glucose to energy effectively and negatively impacts the body's capability to produce insulin.

Diabetes is diagnosed as Type I or Type II. 

People who live with diabetes, are prone to foot complications such as ulcers, infections and nerve damage.

Are you living with diabetes?

A Diabetes Foot Assessment should be carried out by your podiatrist every 12 months, which includes:


Vascular Assessment

Vascular assessment including a Doppler Ultrasound to check your blood flow.

Neurological Assessment

Neurological assessment to check for peripheral neuropathy the nerve supply to the feet. 


General Treatment to reduce simple foot complication and maintain optimal foot health. This includes nail trimming, callus and corn debridement.


Finally a full diabetic report will be sent to your General Practitioner annually.

Book your annual diabetes assessment today.